Academic Memberships
inside-out_manifesto_spanish.pdf |
Suscribe our International Manifiesto on Disaster Research "Power, Prestige & Forgotten Values: A Disaster Studies Manifesto" (Para la versión español haz click arriba para descargar el pdf).
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - IPBES
Austrian Society for Political Sciences (ÖGPW)
Scientists for Future S4F, Austria
Climate Change Competence Center (CCCA), Austria
Converge-SSEER: Social Science Extreme Events Research - SSEER
I-REC (Critical Perspectives on Disasters, Reconstruction and Related Research) - I-REC
Latin American Studies Association - LASA
American Anthropological Association - AAA
Political Ecology Network - POLLEN
European Association of Development and Training Institutes - EADI
Human Development and Capabilities Association - HDCA
International Development Ethics Association- IDEA
Sociedad Vienesa para la Filosofía Intercultural/Wiener Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie - WiGiP
Disaster Competence Network Austria - DCNA
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - IPBES
Austrian Society for Political Sciences (ÖGPW)
Scientists for Future S4F, Austria
Climate Change Competence Center (CCCA), Austria
Converge-SSEER: Social Science Extreme Events Research - SSEER
I-REC (Critical Perspectives on Disasters, Reconstruction and Related Research) - I-REC
Latin American Studies Association - LASA
American Anthropological Association - AAA
Political Ecology Network - POLLEN
European Association of Development and Training Institutes - EADI
Human Development and Capabilities Association - HDCA
International Development Ethics Association- IDEA
Sociedad Vienesa para la Filosofía Intercultural/Wiener Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie - WiGiP
Disaster Competence Network Austria - DCNA